Spike lavender essential oil — An Evergreen Aroma and Natural Wellness Bounty!

Spike lavender and lavender Bulgaria originate from different plants, so the essential oils derived from these plants differ in composition. Spike lavender oil is obtained from the flowers of Lavandula Latifolia. It is known for its camphoraceous scent and uses in aromatherapy, soaps, medicine, perfumes, and spiritual practices. It contains excellent analgesic properties and can be used for pain relief. Spike Lavender Essential Oil Benefits Spike lavender essential oil offers the following benefits 1. Spike lavender oil offers excellent support for the respiratory and nervous systems with its expectorant and calming properties. 2. It is effective for skin in burns, scrapes, cuts, scrapes, and stings due to its microbial properties. 3. The aroma of the oil is considered to be effective in insomnia. It has antidepressant properties that induce mental and spiritual peace. 4. The oil promotes immunity and acts as an antiviral substance. DIY Recipes Using Spike Lavender Essent...